Generated Phone Number
+55 11 9XXXX-XXXX
Generating number...
Brazilian Phone Number Format
Brazilian phone numbers follow these formats:
- Mobile: +55 XX 9XXXX-XXXX
- Landline: +55 XX XXXX-XXXX
About Brazilian Phone Numbers
Brazilian phone numbers are regulated by ANATEL (National Telecommunications Agency). The system uses a structured numbering plan:
Mobile Numbers
- All mobile numbers start with 9
- Format: +55 XX 9XXXX-XXXX
- Area codes: 11-99 (DDD)
Major Providers
- Largest mobile operator: Vivo
- Second largest provider: Claro
- Major carrier: TIM
- Major telecommunications company: Oi
Major Area Codes
- São Paulo city: 11
- Rio de Janeiro: 21
- Belo Horizonte: 31
- Curitiba: 41
Common Usage Examples
- São Paulo mobile: (11) 99999-9999
- International: +55 11 99999-9999
- Landline: (11) 3333-3333